Statistical Methods

Statistics Journals

Peer Reviewed Articles

  • Mallik, A. and Z. W. Almquist (2019). Stable Multiple Time Step Simulation/Prediction from Lagged Dynamic Network Regression Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 28(4), 967–979.
  • Almquist, Z. W. and C. T. Butts (2018). Dynamic Network Analysis with Missing Data: Theory and Methods. Statistica Sinica 28(3), 1245–1264.
  • Meeden, G., Z. Almquist, and C. Geyer (2016). Better adjusted weights for respondents in skewed populations. In: Proceedings of Statistics Canada Symposium 2016.
  • Almquist, Z. W. and C. T. Butts (2014). “Bayesian Analysis of Dynamic Network Regression with Joint Edge/Vertex Dynamics”. In: Bayesian Inference in the Social Sciences. Ed. by I. Jeliazkov and X.-S. Yang. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Almquist, Z. W. (2010). US Census Spatial and Demographic Data in R: The UScensus2000 Suite of Packages. Journal of Statistical Software 37(6), 1–31.
  • Kurant, M., M. Gjoka, Y. Wang, Z. W. Almquist, C. T. Butts, and A. Markopoulou (2012). Coarse-Grained Topology Estimation via Graph Sampling. In: Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN) ’12. Helsinki, Finland.

Applied Methods Journals

Peer Reviewed Articles

  • Almquist, Z. W., I. Kahveci, A. Hazel, O. Kajfasz, J. Rothfolk, C. Guilmette, M. Anderson, L. Ozeryansky, and A. Hagopian (2024). Innovating a Community-driven Enumeration and Needs Assessment of People Experiencing Homelessness: A Network Sampling Approach for the HUD-Mandated Point-in-Time Count. American Journal of Epidemiology.
  • Almquist, Z. W., N. E. Helwig, and Y. You (2020). Connecting Continuum of Care Point-in-Time Homeless Counts to United States Census Areal Units. Mathematical Population Studies 27(1), 46–58.
  • Almquist, Z. W., S. Arya, L. Zeng, and E. S. Spiro (2019). Unbiased Sampling of Users from (Online) Activity Data. Field Methods 31(1), 23–38.
  • Butts, C. T. and Z. W. Almquist (2015). A Flexible Parameterization for Baseline Mean Degree in MultipleNetwork ERGMs. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 39(3), 163–167.
  • Almquist, Z. W. and C. T. Butts (2015). Predicting Regional Self-Identification from Spatial Network Models. Geographical Analysis 47(1), 50–72.
  • Almquist, Z. W. and C. T. Butts (2014). Logistic Network Regression for Scalable Analysis of Networks with Joint Edge/Vertex Dynamics. Sociological Methodology 44(1), 273–321.
  • Almquist, Z. W. and C. T. Butts (2013). Dynamic Network Logistic Regression: A Logistic Choice Analysis of Inter- and Intra-group Blog Citation Dynamics in the 2004 US Presidential Election. Political Analysis 21(4), 430–448.
  • Almquist, Z. W. and C. T. Butts (2012). Point process models for household distributions within small areal units. Demographic Research 26(22), 593–632.